
The Presbytery of Northern New York meets four times a year for worship and business.  

2024 Meetings:

1. Tuesday, February 20th, 10am-12pm via Zoom.  270th Stated Meeting. Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE.

2. Saturday, May 18th, 10am Hybrid [Zoom and In-Person at Stone PC Watertown]. 271st Stated Meeting. Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE.

3. Thursday-Saturday, September 5-7 - Presbytery Retreat 9/5 6pm - 9/6 and Stated Meeting on 9/7 10am-12pm - Hybrid [Zoom if possible & Saranac Village] 272nd Stated Meeting.

4. Thursday, November 21st 10am Hybrid [Zoom and In-Person at FPC Plattsburgh] Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE

2023 Archive:

Special Called Meeting - Tuesday, January 24th at 10am via Zoom.  Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE.

1. Tuesday, March 28th 10am [Hybrid - Zoom and In Person] - 266th Stated Meeting.  Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE.

2. Saturday, June 10th 10am - 267th Stated Meeting.  Access Meeting Documents by Clicking HERE.

3. Saturday, September 23 10am-3pm - 268th Stated Meeting & Retreat.  Access Meeting Documents by Clicking HERE.

4. Thursday, November 9th - 269th Stated Meeting.  Access Meeting Documents by Clicking HERE.

Special Called Meeeting - Thursday, October 26th at 7p, via Zoom.  Access Meeting Documents by clicking HERE.

2022 Archive:

Special Called Meeting - Tuesday, February 22nd at 10am via Zoom. Meeting Documents can be accessed through this DropBox Link

1. Tuesday, March 29th - 262nd Stated Meeting in Star Lake. Meeting Documents can be accessed through this DropBox Link

2. Saturday, June 11th - 263rd Stated Meeting, Waddington FPC with Zoom Broadcast [Zoom participation will not count towards quorum nor voting, per current NYS law for religious coprorations]. Meeting Documents can be accessed through this DropBox Link

3. Thursday/Friday - Saturday, September 8-10 - 264th Stated Meeting.  Documents can be accessed through this DropBox Link 

4. Tuesday, November 15th - 265th Stated Meeting, Scotch Presbyterian Church.  Documents can be accessed through this DropBox Link

2021 Archive:

1. Tuesday, March 23rd - 258th Stated Meeting via Zoom Conferencing.  Meeting documents can be accessed through this Dropbox Link.

2. Saturday, June 12th - 259th Stated Meeting via Zoom Conferencing.  Meeting documents can be accessed throuh this Dopbox Link.

3. Saturday, September 25th - 260th Stated Meeting - via Zoom Conferencing.  Meeting documents can be accessed throuh this Dropbox Link

4. Tuesday, November 16th - 261st Stated Meeting - via Zoom Conferencing.  Meeting documents can be accessed throuh this Dropbox Link